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Brown® CS-Series

Let's Talk!

High-Speed Performance with Unmatched Versatility

Brown’s CS-Series thermoformer is a fast, flexible, entry-level workhorse that is easily capable of running a multitude of products and materials. The CS can be configured with basic standard features, or with an infinite array of options including deep or shallow draw, making it a perfect fit for products such as cups, lids, plates and trays.

Whether your schedule demands short runs or long runs, no matter the product, you can be assured the CS-Series will provide you with years of service at peak performance.

Benefits of Our Packaging Solutions

Fast, flexible, entry-level workhorse

Infinite array of options including deep or shallow draw

Short runs or long runs

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Machine Video

Machinery Features:

Patented Servo Plug Drive

Increased process window with improved material distribution


Deep or shallow draw products from virtually any thermoformable material

Machine Options:

Top or Bottom Servo Plug Drive (Patented)

Quick-Change Tool Features

Six Point Platen Guiding

Servo Valve Package

Servo Head Adjust

Hinged Rails

Expanded Smart Control

Deep Draw Capabilities

Vacuum Pulse Process

Sheet Edge Pre-Heaters

Clamshell Oven

Motorized Rail Adjustment

Extruder Synchronization Eye

UL, CE, CSA & HSE Approvals

International Voltages Available

Brown® CS-Series Specifications
  CS-2100 CS-3036 CS-4500 CS-5500
Maximum Mold Size
(Width x Length)
25” x 26”
635mm x 660mm
30” x 36”
762mm x 914mm
40” x 42”
1016mm x 1067mm
50” x 50”
1270mm x 1270mm
Platen Stroke -
Top / Bottom*
7.38" / 7.38"
187mm / 187mm
7.38" / 7.38"
187mm / 187mm
9.75" / 9.75"
248mm / 248mm
9.75" / 9.75"
248mm / 248mm
Maximum Forming Pressure 100 psi 100 psi 100 psi 100 psi
Sheet Width 28"
Oven Three stops or four stops top and bottom Three stops or four stops top and bottom Four stops or five stops top and bottom Four stops or five stops top and bottom
Air Consumption @ 80 psi† 1.00 scfm 1.00 scfm 1.00 scfm 1.00 scfm

*Deep draw configurations available
†Air consumption does not include tooling functions
Machines available in pneumatic configuration